Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Part 2

For the past two years, Clive Hicks-Jenkins has been making a series of fourteen screen prints based on the medieval poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. January will see the second and concluding Gawain themed exhibition at Martin Tinney Gallery, with all 14 prints on show, accompanied by art historian James Russell’s insightful observations on the images.
Clive writes: "Each screen print is constructed from many layers of transparent ink, all carefully aligned and overprinted to make the complete image. Initially, I make each layer of the artwork on a transparent sheet of lithographic film. There are up to twelve layers per print, and they're rendered only in black and red as the intended colours don't enter the equation until the printing stage. Once the layers of film for a print have been completed, each is transferred to a micromesh screen by Dan. Inks are mixed according to the sample colours I produce, and the printing begins. No-one really has a clear idea of how anything will look until the image begins to emerge, layer by layer from the printing press. It can feel like magic."
For more information about the exhibition visit the Martin Tinney Gallery website at or contact the gallery on 029 2064 1411.
Clive Hicks-Jenkins and the Penfold Press: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Part 2